Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My muscles are getting bigger.

We have been working cutting down trees.  We've been cutting down trees so we can build a house.  We haven't started on the house yet. 
We've been carrying the trees near the fire ring.  It is very hard work.  I like it.  I can make bigger muscles.
We've been camping.  Camping is so great because it is a lot of fun.
We've been playing in mud and painting with mud and getting ourselves all messy.  It is fun getting messy and painting with the mud.
I like it here.  It is so much fun.
We had peach oatmeal for breakfast.  It is so yum.  It was cooked on the fire.  We had spaghetti last night that was also cooked on the fire.  We've had lots of soups cooked on the wood stove.  We have lots of food to eat that is so yum.
God blessed me very well.  He gave me friends and family.


  1. Hi, Charlie. You know what? I've never had peach oatmeal cooked on a campfire. I'll bet that is a yummy, warm thing to eat on a cold morning.

    I am so glad you are helping with the work of getting ready to build your family's house. You will learn a lot and it is good to do your share of the work. I am very proud of you.

  2. Hi there little buddy with your muscles getting bigger. It sounds like you are having a lot of fun. Mud is fun to play in. I remember when your cousins Duane and Linda played in mud. The babysitter turned off the hose so they couldn't play in the mud anymore but Duane remembered his own source of liquid they could make mud with. Hahaha Yuck! Well I'll close for now. Remember your prayers. Kiss Bethany and Hanna for me. Hahaha
    Love you.

  3. Oh, no, Auntie Barb! Don't give him any ideas! Ha, ha, ha!

  4. Hi Charlie! This is me Mary-Katherine. I just started my own blog! You can go on my blog too and talk!I can be on yours and you can be on mine!:)

  5. Hi Charlie!

    Andrea and Mark are so happy you are writing this blog. We are all excited to hear about your adventures. Your food sounds so yummy! We wish we were there with you! Camping sounds like fun, too! Mark and Andrea are going to do some tent camping this summer, too. I bet they won't be doing as much as you!

    We miss you and your family, a lot! Have fun and be safe! God Bless you all!
