Saturday, May 1, 2010

I have been playing in the woods because it's lots of fun.  I have been working hard digging dirt so that we can not sink through mud.  Sinking in mud is not fun.  I have been keeping the fire going.  I am really good at it.
Everything we have been doing is a lot of fun.  It has been a good day.
We had storms last night.  The storms were really, really, really bad.  I was scared but only a little bit.  Just for an hour or so.  During the storms, we had snacks of graham crackers, snack crackers, saltines, bananas, celery, and all that good stuff.  We talked about storms and how God blessed us.  We watched Charlotte's Web until the battery died.  We need to finish watching it.
Today, God has blessed be very nice by giving me a heart.  A very big heart.


  1. Hi, Mr. Charlie! We had bad storms during the night here in Terre Haute, too. We are supposed to get more storms tonight.

    I am glad you are a big, brave boy and you made it through the storms just fine. When summer comes, you won't have as much mud to worry about (hopefully).

  2. Charlie boy, It is OK to be scared for the right reasons. It helps you be safe. We had a lot of thunder and lightening which I like to watch. There is a song your Grandma used to love to sing it is called "How Great Thou Art" part of the first verse says ..."I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed, then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, How great Thou art' how great thou art"... I like to think of how God is cleaning the air with the rain, and getting rid of rotten tree branches with the wind. Then we have all those branches for wood for the campfire. Are you being safe and watching out for you sisters, helping them be safe too? Well sweetie have your mommy give you some kisses for me, then you give Bethany kisses for me. I love you guys....Auntie Barb
